Taking care of your face is vital, the face is one the most viewable parts of our body. Any spots on it can easily be noticed. Are you among those looking for lasting solution on how to get rid of dark spots on face? There are simple natural remedies you can try yourself at home in order to reduce or get rid of the darkened or scarring spots to the barest minimum.
Several dark patches or black spots can easily be eliminated or brighten to restore your shining facial complexion. Its occurrence cut across ages from the young adults to the older ones. Dark patches, marks and other spots appearing on the face may be cause due to excessive secretion of melanin on the skin. Melanin is an insoluble pigments that is responsible for the skin color.
Over exposure to sun, changes in hormones, vitamin deficiencies, pregnancy, and too much stress, types of medication and lack of sleep amongst others are some of the notable factors that can lead to dark spots on the face. The spots are not only restricted to the alone but sometime spread all over the body when exposed the high sun rays such as the face, neck, hands, back, scalps and shoulders.
These dark spots are also termed as brown spots, sun spots, age spots, liver spots, aging signs in some cases. All of these spots make the face look very irritating, ugly and make you feel diminish.
What are the major causes of dark spots on the face?
- Over exposure to sun
- Aging
- Stress
- Cancer
- Dermatitis
- Smoking
- Diabetes
- Hormones imbalance
- Lack of proper skin care
- Vitamins deficiency such as Vitamin C or B12
- Pregnancy or menopause
- Hyper pigmentation of the skin
How to Get Rid Of Dark Spots on Face?
Simple, natural homemade remedies that can help reduce the emergence of spots and other blemishes on the face are explained here. Below is how to get rid of dark spots on face.
1. Lemon Juice
A fast and easy lemon juice solution can be made in your kitchen or found in grocery stores. Lemons contain vitamin C that can brighten dark spots on face. It is very easy to use.
- Apply some fresh lemon juice solution on a cotton ball and rub it directly on the affected face area.
- Leave it to dry off and then wash it off with ordinary water.
- Continue to repeat the procedure for at least 2 weeks to get the desired results.
But if your skin is the sensitive or delicate type you can dilute the lemon juice with ordinary water or honey before you make use of it.
Another option is to use lemon juice to eliminate black spots by adding some sugar to your lemon juice then apply it on the affected spots. Allow it for about an hour before washing it off. By so doing you can even get rid of aging spots as well.
2. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is one of the most common vegetable; it’s cheap and available on skin care store. Aloe Vera is a good treatment for curing stings, brown spots and burns. How to use it? Rub fresh Aloe Vera oil/gel gently on the affected dark spot area.
Leave it to stay for about 40 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Follow this procedure 2 times a day for period of 1 month. At the same time, you can also take two teaspoons of Aloe Vera juice everyday on an empty stomach for fast results.
3. Onion Juice
Onion juice effectively removes aging spots. Rub some onion slices over the delineated area two to three times a day. The red types of onion, works as bleaching agent that aids the dark brown spots to be clearly visible, due to its acidic properties.
Or you can mix one tablespoon of onion juice with two table spoons of honey and apply the mixture on the black spots for about 10-15 minutes. Then wash off the affected area thoroughly to remove the concentrate smell of the solution. Adding garlic juice with onion juice is also a good choice.
4. Buttermilk
Your buttermilk contains lactic acids which is good for solving skin problems. Brown spots can also be eradicated with the help of butter milk. How do you apply it? Rub some buttermilk on the affected area using a cotton swab and let it be for a few minutes and then rinse it with normal water. If you’re having oily skin acne then, add small amount of lemon juice to your buttermilk before applying.
You can as well mix 4 teaspoons of buttermilk with 2 teaspoons of tomato juice before applying on the delineate area. By applying it regularly, the spots get to fades away.
5. Oats
Oatmeal powder is another natural remedy you can as well use to fight the dark spots that make your face to look ugly and unhealthy. You can readily apply an oatmeal mask on the face and neck to get rid of black spots and dead skin.
Here is how to it:
- Grind cup of rolled oats.
- Add 3 to 4 tablespoons of lemon juice to form a paste.
- Rub it on the skin area and wash it.
If it’s messy, use a clean cloth, soaked in warm water to get rid of the mask. Repeat this treatment twice a week.
6. Papaya
This contains certain enzymes that assist in getting rid of skin spots, age spots, marks and acne. Rub you grated raw papaya on the dark spots. Leave it to stay up to 15 to 20 minutes, and then rinse off with lukewarm water. This make you skin look clearer and lighten. Follow this remedy twice a day until the spots get lighten.
7. Rose water
You can use rose water on the black spots, to brighten the affected area. All you need add some sandalwood powder to your rose water to form a smooth paste and apply it to your skin area to reduce, brighten or fade off the blemishes.
8. Potato
Potato is another natural home remedy source for treating dark patches or black spots. Below are the ways to use potato:
- Chop up a slice of a potato and place 1 slice directly on the black spots, allow for several minutes and finally wash off with mild warm water.
- You can face mask yourself by mixing grated potato with honey.
Others have also get better result using tomatoes to removing dark spots on face within several weeks.
All the above method on how to get rid of dark spots on face are well researched and effective way to deal with dark spots on your face
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