Yes, she loves you to death but take her for granted and stretch it a bit too much and you shall lose her forever. She’ll love you recklessly, care for you selflessly and even trust you blindly. But don’t forget, underneath all this lies her self-respect which may be on the backburner since the day she fell in love with you. If you cross the line, the self-respect is going to pop-up and that’s when her brain will win over the heart so that she can move out of your year, decade or lifelong relationship. Did you know love can make you not just blind but dumb too.
Here are some reasons why women leave the men they have loved immensely:
1. She has lost respect for you: Respect is one of the pillars of a strong relationship and if she doesn’t respect you anymore, every single minute spent with you will feel like a punishment. Your approach to the underprivileged, your thought process about social issues that matter or even small things like your views about the opposite sex. Women want to look up to the man they love and if you aren’t the one, the love may not matter so much. For women, here are 6 things you must never do for a man even when in love.
2. You cheated on her: Some women stay even despite the cheating and give the love of their lives a second chance. But if your cheating was deliberate and not something that happened in the spur of a moment, she’s not going to tolerate it. Nothing hurts her more than seeing her trust being shattered by the most important person in her life. Did you know women hate emotional infidelity more than physical?
3. There’s a lack of commitment: She’s been in love with you since childhood and has even proposed you. Make a note, you are one lucky guy. Invest in the relation as much as she does. After all, she didn’t hold you on a gunpoint to say yes. Women put in their heart and soul in a relationship. But if there is no reciprocation, she will soon realise you aren’t worth her efforts. Commit wholeheartedly and give her your time and attention if you value her. Here are ways a woman says I love you without actually saying it.
4. She needs personal space: You can go out with the boys at night or party with colleagues at office. Aren’t these rules applicable for her? Just because you are insecure that you are going to lose out on such an amazing person? Women crave for personal space. Here’s how to find out if your partner is insecure about you. After giving in so much of their energy and emotion in the relation, they need some time out too. She loves you but that doesn’t mean she unfriends the entire world to be with you and only you. If she misses her personal space too much and finds you unjustifiably insecure, there is no chance she is staying back. Men, here are 7 things you must avoid doing if you want a happy marriage.
5. You take her for granted: It’s pretty common for men to treat their ladies like convenience stores. They will be all over them when there is nothing else to do or they need the emotional support. And then, when there’s sunshine, she takes a backseat. I have even observed men break up with their partners and return only when they have lost something important in life or are facing a setback because they know that this woman will give them the courage and standby, no matter what. Women are not convenience stores and though she may continue loving you, she certainly won’t live with you after this. Here are 5 signs to know that you partner is cheating on you.
6. Demeaning her: NEVER demean your wife or girlfriend. Just because she cannot fix an electric appliance doesn’t mean she is good for nothing. Or just because she was unable to understand some technical stuff related to your work doesn’t mean she is dumb. The day she starts pointing out your follies, you will have no face. If you need her and want to be with her, value her. Here are somesecrets to a happy marriage.
Image Source: Getty images
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