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Weall reach for Ibuprofen every time we feel some sort of ache (whether a headache or a toothache) or when we suffer from soreness.

This medicine, known also by its trade name Advil, is indeed very efficient in relieving all kinds of pains in no time.

However, is it safe? Research has shown that there are some concerning risks associated with this medicine.

These risks even include the possibility of heart damage as well.

A Warning by the FDA

Even the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning against Ibuprofen. It issued a warning in 2005, which notes that this drug substantially increases the risk of heart problems, including stroke and heart attack. Last year, FDA emphasized this warning once more. Here is what the statement includes:

The risk of stroke and heart attack’s increases even after short periods of using Ibuprofen.
The longer you use the medicine, the higher the risk of heart problems.

Even individuals who do not suffer from heart conditions are endangered. Having a heart condition is not related to the above mentioned risk.

Individuals over 40 are especially at risk because the possibility of heart problems significantly increases at this age.

Bearing in mind that FDA gives green light to some very dangerous medications, it is really concerning to read their opinion about this Ibuprofen.

Be Informed

Ibuprofen is a common over-the-counter drug that most people consider to be safe for use. The absence of a doctor’s prescription seems like an excuse for people to just buy and use medicines whenever they feel some pain or problem.

So, if you take the information given in this post seriously and stop using Ibuprofen, what should you use instead? Well, there is one very efficient natural remedy that can help you relieve pain.

Turmeric – the Magical Spice

Turmeric is a plant belonging to the ginger family. It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, namely it inhibits the inflammatory enzymes and cytokines. This means that turmeric does the same that Ibuprofen does – reduces inflammation that causes pains and aches. Even better, using turmeric regularly in your diet will help you prevent inflammation. It is especially effective for pains and swellings caused by rheumatoid arthritis. The best part is that turmeric, unlike pharmaceutical drugs, does not have any adverse side-effects.

If we have managed to convince you to stop using Ibuprofen and turn to natural remedies, see the video below to learn more about a life free from pain.

Sperm is the male reproductive cell that develops in the testicles and is released in semen from the penis during ejaculation. The ability of semen to accomplish fertilization is measured by sperm quantity and quality. Sperm motility is its ability to swim forward towards an egg, a factor in successful fertilization and pregnancy.

Human testicles produce millions of sperm cells daily. The normal level for sperm volume is 1.5 to 5 millilitres per ejaculation. Sperm count, or sperm concentration measures the concentration of sperm in the semen. According to the WHO in 2010, a sperm count of over 15 million sperm per millilitre is considered normal. A low sperm count is called oligospermia. It can affect fertility.
Factors that Adversely Affect Sperm Health

1. Age - The volume, motility and quality of sperm typically decrease with age and it can lead to couple’s infertility and a range of negative health problems for the child. According to a study, men waiting longer to have children could have a significant impact on the health of their offspring.1The specific problem with older semen is lower volume, poor sperm performance, and increase in malformed and DNA-damaged sperm.

2. Injury - Trauma to the testicle doesn't affect the quality of sperm cells already produced. But, it can block the blood supply to the sperm producing tissue and affect its ability to produce sperm.

3. Bodybuilding supplements - Use of anabolic steroids and other hormones among teenagers may result in the shrinking of testes, decrease in the sperm count, reduced sperm quality which in turn leads to infertility.

4. Heat - Sperm are heat-sensitive. Hence, fever can affect sperm quality. Some studies have linked increased exposure to heat with lowered sperm count. Using hot bathtubs, hot showers and Jacuzzis for a long time can obstruct the testicles and harm healthy sperm.2 A study has revealed that tight underwear may raise the temperature of scrotum and affect sperm production. Varicocele (swelling of the veins that drain the testicle) may prevent normal cooling of the testicle, leading to reduced sperm count and fewer moving sperm.

5. Radiation - A new research has found that long-term exposure to radiation at the workplace may play havoc with sperm quality. Sperm of men exposed to radiation have decreased motility, altered shape, vitality and severely compromised DNA quality. Exposure to radiation from carrying a mobile phone in the trouser pocket can negatively impact sperm quality.3 Mobile phones might adversely affect the quality of semen by decreasing mostly motility, and also sperm counts, viability and morphology.

6. Smoking - Lighting up can significantly increase the level of cadmium in the semen, while lowering the zinc levels. Cadmium can damage the DNA of your sperms, killing them, reducing their count.

7. Alcohol - Intoxication has its effects on sexual and reproductive well-being too. Researchers have found that drinking just five units of alcohol a week could affect sperm quality of young men.

8. Recreational drugs - Recreational drugs like marijuana and cocaine can cause lowered seminal fluid production, lowered blood supply to the penis, poor sperm quality and lowered sperm count.

9. Stress - A high level of stress hormones in the blood can lower sperm count, affect sperm production and also affect the sperm quality. According to a significant study, psychological stress is harmful to sperm and semen quality, affecting its concentration, appearance and ability to fertilize an egg.4

10. Environmental pollutants - Chemical agents in the environment may affect male fertility.5Chemicals like lead, mercury, pesticides, etc. have been associated with decreased semen quality.

11. Medications - Certain medications may suppress sperm production, lower sperm count and/or reduce their ability to achieve fertilization.

12. Soy and soy-based products - Few scientific studies have shown that consumption of very high amounts of soy or soy-based products on a daily basis can cause sexual disruption in men such as altered testosterone (male hormone) levels, reduced libido, sperm count and fertility levels.

13. Undescended testicles - During the first three to six months after birth the testicles naturally move down into the scrotum. But sometimes the testicles stay undescended which can cause low sperm count.

14. Obesity - Obesity is a leading cause of infertility in both men and women. In men, it can affect the sperm count.

15. Diabetes - According to findings of a study,diabetes more than doubles the risk of DNA damage in sperms. Sperm count is significantly reduced, and the movement and appearance of sperm is affected.6

16. Sexually transmitted diseases - STDs can affect sperm production and motility. Sometimes, the toxins released by the pathogens can directly affect the sperm DNA.

17. Certain medical conditions - In male hypogonadism, the body doesn't produce enough testosterone. Hence, the ability to produce sperm is impaired. Men with Klinefelter syndrome have lower amounts of testosterone. The testicles in such men produce little or no sperm.

Getting Healthy Sperm

The right diet, consisting of foods rich in nutrients like zinc and Vitamin B6 can help increase sperm count in men. Eggs, fish and strawberries are rich in zinc. Omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts can boost the sperm’s quality. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene that can improve the quality, mobility and volume of sperm. Reducing alcohol intake, cutting on tobacco and staying away from recreational drugs can aid in the production of sperm. Avoid stress. Being active can help. Exercising can help obese people lose weight and improve sperm quality and count.

Sperm count, or sperm concentrationmeasures the concentration of sperm in a man’s ejaculate. Over 15 million sperm per milliliter is considered normal, according to the WHO in 2010. The average sperm count today is between 20 and 40 million per milliliter in the Western world, having decreased by 1-2% per year from a substantially higher number a decade ago. A low sperm count is also called oligospermia. You should eat foods to improve the quality of your sperm like carrots, oranges and other veggies.

The numbers of sperm per ml of semen fell at about two percent a year between 1989 and 2005, with researchers calculating the average 35-year-old man would see his sperm count reduced from around 73.6 million per ml of semen to 49.9 million, the journal Human Reproduction reports. Diabetes increases the risk of DNA damage in sperms, resulting in infertility. Studies have also found that in diabetics the sperm’s motility was 22% as against 46% in healthy individuals. Also, the sperm count diabetic men was less than half of that of the healthy group. 92% of the diabetic men had abnormal sperm structure as opposed to 11% of the normal group.

The use of these steroids among teenagers may result in the shrinking of testes, decrease in the sperm count, which in turn leads to infertility. A varicocele is a swelling of the veins that drain the testicle. This may prevent normal cooling of the testicle, leading to reduced sperm count and fewer moving sperm. Overheating the testicles,health, lifestyle and obesity, tight underwear are other reasons that cause a low sperm count.

Italian scientists report that people eating pasta as part of a Mediterranean eating plan are able to maintain their weight and their waist size.
Italian researchers suggest that pasta doesn’t make you fat-at least, not if you eat like an Italian. They analyzed the eating habits of 23,000 Italians and found no connection between pasta consumption and obesity.

Pasta as Part of a Mediterranean Diet:

Among those eating a more traditional Mediterranean diet, pasta consumption was linked to smaller waist size and lower body mass index. Presumably pasta was accompanied by fresh vegetables and fruits. Most Italian towns and cities have daily markets where people buy their fresh produce every day. Though Mediterranean diets vary, all rely heavily on vegetables and fruits.

Portion Control Counts:

The study did show that portion control matters: obese Italians consumed more pasta than normal weight participants. They were also older and poorer, so inexpensive pasta might be one of the easier foods for them to purchase. They might have included fewer vegetables or nuts in their meals.
This is not the first time that a form of the Mediterranean diet has been shown helpful for weight control. ThePREDIMED study carried out in Barcelona, Spain, found that people eating a typical Spanish Mediterranean-style diet with plenty of olive oil actually lost a little weight rather than gaining weight during the trial.

Other Health Benefits:

Following a Mediterranean diet, whether it is Italian, Spanish, French or Israeli in flavor, seems to have many other health benefits in addition to weight control. Such diets rich in plant-based foods but also high in plant-derived fats appear to benefit the heart and the brain. People who eat Mediterranean-style are less likely to develop diabetes. American nurses who followed a Mediterranean-inspired eating plan had longer telomeres on their chromosomes, an indication of good health and possibly longevity (BMJ, Dec. 3, 2014).
If you would like to know more about how to follow a Mediterranean-type diet at home, you may wish to read our book, The People’s Pharmacy Quick & Handy Home Remedies, which has a succinct summary of this eating plan.

Americans are firm believers in free will. Most reject the idea that someone could become a gambling addict or a compulsive shopper because of a prescribed medication. We cannot imagine that anyone would do something bad without some measure of personal responsibility.
There is another perspective, though. We would like to open your mind to the possibility that medications can have a profound impact on neurochemistry and behavior as this reader relates:
Q. I almost fell off my chair when I accidentally came across information that ropinirole could trigger impulsive gambling. I have been taking this drug for eight years for restless legs. When it was first prescribed, I thought it was an absolute godsend because it relieved my restless legs and allowed me to sleep at night.
Now I finally understand why I became a gambling addict shortly after starting this medication. I hated what I was doing, but could not stop.
A. Ropinirole (Requip) and pramipexole (Mirapex) are prescribed for restless legs syndrome (RLS) and Parkinson’s disease. A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine (December, 2014) confirmed that such drugs indeed trigger pathological gambling, compulsive shopping and hypersexuality. Most health professionals believe these side effects are extremely rare but some drug safety experts believe the incidence of such impulse control problems might be as high as 10 percent. They have called for more prominent warnings to protect unwary patients.

How Can Requip and Mirapex Trigger Unwanted Behaviors?

The proposed mechanism behind gambling addiction, hyper sexuality, compulsive shopping and other unwanted behaviors is a brain neurochemical called dopamine. Patients with Parkinson’s disease have a deficit in this essential neurotransmitter.
Starting in the 1960s researchers found that they could delay the symptoms of this neurological condition by supplying extra dopamine through drugs like levodopa, bromocriptine (Parlodel,Cyclist), cabergoline (Dostinex), ropinirole (Requip), pergolide (Permax) and pramipexole (Mirapex). Complications of such dopamine agonists were “impulse control disorders” including compulsive gambling (Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, Feb., 2007).

Gambling Addiction Stories from Readers:

Leanne in California shared this experience:
“I have had severe restless leg syndrome (RLS) for the past 15 years. The first 10 years I took Requip and had to keep upping the dose every year by a milligram. I was up to 4 mg when I was switched to Mirapex a year ago.
“I have developed a severe gambling addiction, and I am lost on what to do.”
Arlene in Hammond, Indiana, has several complications:
“I am just learning about side effects from Mirapex. My hands and feet have swelled. I also have to urinate frequently without warning. I have been losing hair and falling asleep while cooking or on the computer. I also have sexual and gambling urges. I feel as if I have all the side effects and have been on this drug for more than 10 years.”
Falling asleep without warning in the middle of the day is a known side effect of both ropinirole and pramipexole. The FDA cautions:
“Patients treated with [pramipexole or ropinirole] have reported falling asleep while engaged in activities of daily living, including the operation of motor vehicles which sometimes resulted in accidents. Although many of these patients reported somnolence while on pramipexole tablets, some perceived that they had no warning signs (sleep attack) such as excessive drowsiness, and believed that they were alert immediately prior to the event. Some of these events had been reported as late as one year after the initiation of treatment.”
E.M. also developed a gambling problem:
“I had RLS for a very long time. Most of the prescribed meds didn’t work. When I started ropinirole (Requip) several years ago I found that it caused me to have strong urges to gamble. This has become a very bad problem for me, not only financially but mentally. I cannot control the urge.”
Jen says:
“After being prescribed Mirapex and Requip for my RLS I gambled away all of my savings and became so depressed and ashamed that I decided to end my life. Fortunately, a friend found me in time and I was sent to the hospital.”

Legal Action for Drug-Related Gambling Addict:

There are reports of successful lawsuits that have linked drugs for Parkinson’s disease and RLS to gambling debts. ABC News reported (Feb 2, 2011):
“In 2008, a district court in Minneapolis awarded Gary Charbonneau $8.2 million in gambling losses and punitive damages in a suit against the makers of Mirapex, Pfizer and Boehringer Ingelheim.”
In May, 2015 it was announced that Pfizer would settle a class-action lawsuit involving 172 Australian patients. They claimed that the drugs they were taking for RLS or Parkinson’s disease caused them to gamble away their live savings or develop compulsive sexual behaviors. It was estimated that the settlement was in the millions of dollars.

Medicines, Sex & Gambling Addicts & Compulsive Shoppers

We suspect that you found this story hard to swallow. We promise, we did not make it up. Just as antidepressants have been linked to suicidal thoughts and actions, violence, mayhem and deaths, (PLOS Medicine, Sept. 15, 2015) so too these dopamine agonists appear to trigger unwanted behaviors.
The FDA states that “patients can experience intense urges to gamble, increased sexual urges, intense urges to spend money, binge or compulsive eating, and/or other intense urges, and the inability to control these urges while taking one or more of the medications…”
Anyone who is prescribed a drug for RLS or Parkinson’s disease should be warned about these potential complications. Family members must also be informed about such behaviors so they can act at the earliest signs of trouble.

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